Nestable Journey
Part 2

Nestable-Asset Journey ( Part 2, Kingdom )

User journey context

We are in the Medieval epoch and in the universe there is an omnipotent and all-powerful Wizard. During a special day, the wizard decided to create two Kingdoms. Every action that unfolded later is included in the user journey. Have fun and happy learning!

The Kingdoms genesis - Minting the Kingdoms

The Wizard decided that the universe will be structured in this way:

  • 2 Kingdoms.
  • 5 Armies: 3 for the first kingdom and 2 for the second one.
  • 90 Soldiers: distributed between the 5 armies, but not in equal parts.

The first action was to create the two kingdoms.

We provide valid IPFS URI throughout all of steps, feel free to use them, they point to a JSON file with the corresponding metadata for the step. For soldiers and armies, we will use a generic image for every NFT and the collection.

We will run the journey only at the end, so we do not need to comment past steps or add multiple scripts.

On your run-journey.ts script, under the // Journey starts here: line, add the following code.

// 1. Minting the kingdoms
const kingdom1Id = 1
const kingdom2Id = 2
let tx = await kingdom.connect(wizard).mint(
await tx.wait()
console.log('Minted Kingdom #1')
tx = await kingdom.connect(wizard).mint(
await tx.wait()
console.log('Minted Kingdom #2')

Army creation - Nest Minting the Armies

After that, the Wizard decided to create the armies and did it by making them appear directly in their respective kingdoms. Since armies are trusted among the kingdoms, we will first configure auto acceptance, so the acceptChild method doesn't need to be called. That means every NFT from the the Army collection, which is sent to any Kingdom NFT, will be automatically accepted.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to nest mint the armies.

// 2. Nest minting the armies
tx = await kingdom.connect(wizard).setAutoAcceptCollection(army.address, true)
await tx.wait()
console.log('Kingdoms will now auto-accept armies')
tx = await army.connect(wizard).nestMint(
    3, // Number to mint
await tx.wait()
console.log('Minted 3 armies for Kingdom #1')
tx = await army.connect(wizard).nestMint(
    2, // Number to mint
await tx.wait()
console.log('Minted 2 armies for Kingdom #2')

Soldiers creation - Nest Minting the Soldiers

Just as before, we will enable auto acceptance for Soldiers added to Armies. Then we will proceed to nest mint the Soldiers into the different Armies.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to nest mint the soldiers.

// 3. Nest minting the soldiers
tx = await army.connect(wizard).setAutoAcceptCollection(soldier.address, true)
await tx.wait()
console.log('Armies will now auto-accept soldiers')
const armies = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const soldiersPerArmy = [10, 20, 30, 14, 16]
for (let i = 0; i < armies.length; i++) {
    tx = await soldier.connect(wizard).nestMint(
    await tx.wait()
        `Minted ${soldiersPerArmy[i]} soldiers for Army #${armies[i]}`

Armies balancing - Transfer NFTs inside and outside the hierarchy

The two Kingdoms have been created and populated, but the wizard isn't happy. He noticed that the 3 armies of the first kingdom are grossly imbalanced. In particular he noticed that there is a big difference between the first and the third army (which contain 30 and 10 soldiers respectively).

So he decided to re-balance these armies a bit. He did so by removing 5 soldiers from the third one and assigning them soldiers to the first one.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to transfer the soldiers from one army to the other.

// 4. Armies balancing
let childrenIds = (await army.childrenOf(3)).map((child) =>
) // Get children of Army #3
let totalChildren = childrenIds.length
const childrenIdsToMove = childrenIds.slice(5).slice(-5) // Get the last 5 children
// Loop from length to 0
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    const indexOnActiveChildren = totalChildren - i - 1
    const indexOnChildrenToMove = 5 - i - 1
    const childId = childrenIdsToMove[indexOnChildrenToMove]
    tx = await army.connect(wizard).transferChild(
        3, // From Army #3
        army.address, // To another army
        1, // To Army #4
        indexOnActiveChildren, // Child index
        soldier.address, // Child contract
        childId, // Child ID
        false, // Not a pending child
        [] // Empty data
    await tx.wait()
        `Moved child #${childId} at position ${indexOnActiveChildren} from Army #3 to Army #1`

The Black Death - Unnesting and burning NFTs

A soldier, after coming back from an exploration mission, had contracted a mysterious illness. 💀 After seeing the state of the unlucky man the wizard decided to move it away from the second army and take him to the palace in order to observe the illness and try to find a cure.

Several days passed and the soldier's health didn't get any better and finally, after 2 weeks of suffering, the soldier died. The wizard immediately decided to burn the body to contain the infection...

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to transfer a child soldier to the wizard and then burn it.

// 5. Unnesting and burning
const infectedSoldierId = 90
const [, infectedSoldiersArmyId] = await soldier.directOwnerOf(
) // Return arguments are parent contract, parent id and whether parent is an NFT.
childrenIds = (await army.childrenOf(infectedSoldiersArmyId)).map(
    (child) => child.tokenId.toNumber()
const indexOfInfectedChild = childrenIds.indexOf(infectedSoldierId)
tx = await army.connect(wizard).transferChild(
    infectedSoldiersArmyId, // From Army #5
    wizardAddress, // To wizard
    0, // No destination Id, since it's not an NFT
    indexOfInfectedChild, // Child index
    soldier.address, // Child contract
    infectedSoldierId, // Child ID
    false, // Not a pending child
    [] // Empty data
await tx.wait()
    `Moved child #${infectedSoldierId} at position ${indexOfInfectedChild} from Army #5 to wizard`
tx = await soldier.connect(wizard)['burn(uint256)'](infectedSoldierId) // On ethers, when there are overloaded functions, you need to use the function signature.
await tx.wait()
console.log(`Burned soldier #${infectedSoldierId}`)

The Black Death Spreads - Burn NFTs recursively

But this wasn't enough. The infection has already spread throughout the second army. A decision had to be made. The sad wizard decided to push the entire army away to an isolated place within the kingdom, including every object and thing related to it, and this was a wise choice.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to transfer a child army to the wizard and then burn it.

// 6. Burn NFTs recursively
// Transfer infected army
tx = await kingdom.connect(wizard).transferChild(
    kingdom2Id, // From Kingdom #2
    wizardAddress, // To wizard
    0, // No destination Id, since it's not an NFT
    1, // Child index
    army.address, // Child contract
    infectedSoldiersArmyId, // Child ID
    false, // Not a pending child
    [] // Empty data
await tx.wait()
    `Moved Army #${infectedSoldiersArmyId} from Kingdom #2 to wizard`

The entire army died before a month passed and the wizard burned every man and object to prevent the plague to resurface and do more damage to the kingdom.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to burn the army.

// Burn infected army with all of it's children
totalChildren = (await army.childrenOf(infectedSoldiersArmyId)).length
tx = await army.connect(wizard)['burn(uint256,uint256)'](
) // If there are more children to burn, the function would revert to prevent from burning new arrivals.
await tx.wait()
    `Burned Army #${infectedSoldiersArmyId} with all of it's children`

Preventing future diseases - Remove auto accepting

The wise wizard realized that other soldiers with any kind of illness could arrive to any of the armies and infect them. So he decided to stop accepting directly every new soldier. He did so by removing the auto acceptance from the armies.

On your run-journey.ts script, let's add the code to remove the auto acceptance of soldiers into the armies.

// 7. Remove auto accepting
tx = await army.connect(wizard).setAutoAcceptCollection(soldier.address, false)
await tx.wait()
console.log('Armies will no longer auto-accept soldiers')

Running the journey

We can now run the full journey:

From the File Explorer, right click on the script and hit Run. You will be asked to signed several transactions (a total of 21, don't worry it takes just a couple of minutes). On each step you will see the console log of what has been executed. The final output should be the following:

Running journey with account: 0x855dF0303Fec3a56c02fE35d8fb4d5e80A8c79A0
Using Kingdom deployed at 0x410EeA6EF48bA0f54F925BC01665D732203E57Ad
Using Army deployed at 0x6dE36644b5B73106c99C43a2669ae93b5d37b677
Using Soldier deployed at 0xE7dBc708fC483882c88bb0f86628f90Ef6A06117
Minted Kingdom #1
Minted Kingdom #2
Kingdoms will now auto-accept armies
Minted 3 armies for Kingdom #1
Minted 2 armies for Kingdom #2
Armies will now auto-accept soldiers
Minted 10 soldiers for Army #1
Minted 20 soldiers for Army #2
Minted 30 soldiers for Army #3
Minted 14 soldiers for Army #4
Minted 16 soldiers for Army #5
Moved child #60 at position 29 from Army #3 to Army #1
Moved child #59 at position 28 from Army #3 to Army #1
Moved child #58 at position 27 from Army #3 to Army #1
Moved child #57 at position 26 from Army #3 to Army #1
Moved child #56 at position 25 from Army #3 to Army #1
Moved child #90 at position 15 from Army #5 to wizard
Burned soldier #90
Moved Army #5 from Kingdom #2 to wizard
Burned Army #5 with all of it's children
Armies will no longer auto-accept soldiers

User journey summary

In this tutorial we have learned how to interact with the Nestable implementation in order to:

  • Create multi-level hierarchies using the kingdoms and their composition.
  • Transfer NFTs between different parts of the hierarchy and also how to remove them (soldiers movements between the first and the third army);
  • Burn NFTs at the lowest level of a hierarchy (the first soldier affected by the Black Death) and entire sub-hierarchies (like the second army after the infection).

Bugs, doubts and help

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